Contribute to the global effort to end the extreme violence suffered by millions of girls.
Protect and assist the most vulnerable girls from Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Marriage.
Support civil society organisations that are fighting every day to end these and other forms of violence against girls.
Call Basic Information
1. Funding and projects execution times
A maximum of 60 projects will be selected within the framework of this call for proposal.
Interested organizations will be able to apply for grants for projects of up to 20.000 €.
No minimum or maximum period is established for the execution of the projects.
2. Prospective Grantee Entities Profile
Local grassroot organizations proving a strong integration and belonging to their community will be priorized for this open Call.
The applicant organizations must be properly registered at the corresponding official registry in their country, and have at least one physical address, website, a phone number and email account.
Entities must demonstrate at least two years´prior experience in one of the priority work areas for the Call.
The overall organizational annual budget must be equal or higher than the amount requested in the project proposal submitted for this grant.
3. Projects and geographic location priorities
The fund stream for this call will prioritize projects and initiatives from local organizations working under the following approaches and located in the following geographic areas:
Priority projects
Support for education of girls at risk
Scholarship and school fees.
Provision of necessary materials: books, uniforms, school supplies, etc.
Creation of safe spaces in schools.
Improvement of infrastructures and/or equipment in schools that benefit the girls.
School reintegration programs or adapted education for drop-out school girls.
Measures to promote and improve menstrual health for girls (in educational settings).
Care and protection services for girls
Operation or improvement of shelters, facilities and care centers.
Risk detection mechanisms and rescue interventions.
Legal defense of girls victims of harmful practices or violence.
Measures to promote and improve menstrual health for girls at risk.
Community awareness and mobilization actions
Training and awarenes rasing acivities carried out in educational settings.
Training and awarenes rasing acivities carried out in comunity settings.
Awareness raising among key stakeholders, community and religious leaders.
Advocacy actions to improve the legal framewok for the protection of girls.
Priority Countries
Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
Angola, Benin, Benin (2), Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, D.R. of Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia The, Ghana, Guinea (Conakry), Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia
Projects Selection Process
1. First Phase: basic data and concept note
Start date: January 7, 2025
Deadline: January 20, 2025
The resolution of the first phase will be communicated to all participants by email on February 14, 2025.
Applicant organizations must describe their institutional basic profile and a brief description of the proposal of work through the enable on-line form here:
For any problem found accessing and/or processing the on-line form, please contact us here for further instructions: proyectos@mundocooperante.org
2. Second Phase: complete project formulation
Information to be published after resolution of the first phase.
3. Resolution and notification
Dates to be published after resolution of the first phase.
Applicants are recommended to download here and review the call complete guidelines and the basic instructions for the justification of the projects.